The Fox and the Hound

Already a family of 3, can't wait for Foxy to meet her new furry sister!

Already a family of 3, can’t wait for Foxy to meet her new furry sister!

Yet another reason I know I’m meant to marry this man...we adopted a puppy this week.

I was gearing up for a huge event weekend with work, Ed was knee-deep in housing paper-work for us, and we are still living on opposite ends of the country.  Oh wait, and we’re planning a wedding in 6 weeks.  Perfect timing for God to do something sweet, just because He is loving.  So here’s what happened:

I had (secretly) been looking for puppies for Ed to give him as a wedding present, because he really wanted a German Shepard or large farm dog that he could run with…that could protect the house…and herd children. (Ed is a futuristic thinker.)  I kept coming up against road-blocks, pure-breds were super expensive, adoption agencies asked for so many references and applications…I finally threw up my hands and said, “Lord, I can’t spend any more time on this, if you think we should have another dog, you’re going to have to drop it in our laps like You did with Foxy Zazu.” (My awesome-friendly-spunky Pomeranian who I found free to a good home on Craigslist 3 years ago.)

In the pound

In the pound

2 days later, my room-mate sent me a text saying that 40 dogs were looking for homes at this shelter or they would be put down.  Now, normally I don’t respond to mass texts and guilt trips.  But there was a number, and I felt the nudge…so I thought I could at least call.  Well, that call had me talking to Mindy and her fiance in Colorado, who had never heard of my room-mate, but had been posting like mad on Facebook to get these dogs saved.  Turned out, it was a friend of theirs that worked for a shelter way down in Georgia who was trying to save the dogs.

Ed picked her up in're free!

Ed picked her up in’re free!

I decided it was time to get Ed involved, his instincts are always solid in these situations, so I texted him the info.  He called me back and said, “Baby, we can’t save all the animals in the world, what people should be doing is shutting down these shelters and letting the dogs go free!”  I heard him out before I said calmly, “Honey, I know, I wouldn’t normally jump on something like this…but I’ve been praying about getting a dog for us, and specifically asked for God to send us one if we should, and I just think we should call and see-” The intrepid man in my life cut me off, “I hear you baby, I hear you.  Ok, I’ll give them a call and see what’s up.”  I always said I needed a man who was more compassionate than I was, and Ed is totally that.

So the rest of the day Mindy kept checking in to see if she could help, Ed kept calling this Maria chick in GA, and I was in meetings all day getting text updates.  When Ed finally got through he texted me to look at the

The Fox...

The Fox…

Facebook page and see which dogs I liked, (Awful!  who can make that decision?) , but I told him to choose, this would be his, “man dog”, as Foxy is certainly not.

The Hound!

Liberty Belle, safe at home.

Everything worked out!  Ed choose a little girl puppy, she’s 4 months old, and a bloodhound.  Ed says, “if Foxy or one of the kids get’s lost, this dog will track them down!” (Again, to clarify, we do not have kids yet.)  He drove up to GA over the weekend, and picked her up.  We named her Liberty Belle, and after hearing the story, my astonished room-mate who never thought anything would come of her random act of activism is convinced this dog will save our lives one day.  Praise the Lord, we have a hound dog.  Are we Southern enough yet?