Their Love Story Started Ours…


I have so much love and respect for AJ and Megan, their love story is so special.

I’ve always known that when my little brother chose someone, that would be it.  He has always been able to focus on a goal and just etch away until he reaches it.  When I met Megan for the first time, she completely made sense to me – intelligent, confident, poised, and adventurous.  Who wouldn’t want to marry her?  Of course, there are all the practicalities of life and it was several years of dating, finishing degrees, and long-distance phone calls before they were able to begin a new life together.  Who would have guessed that taking the next step in their love story would be the event that started ours?


Even the photographer knew…and posed us in our first pic together.

 In an odd way…it completely makes sense.  AJ is my brother and even though we are very different, in some ways we compliment each other well.  I am the louder, creative, silly, and enthusiastic version of his stalwart determination. Megan can be very like my dear brother, more reserved, thinking deep thoughts she isn’t quick to share, and focused on her goals.  So of course Megan would have an extroverted, gregarious friend like Ed to balance that out.  So Megan and AJ were building this relationship with Ed over the years…and over the years AJ was stuck with me…and finally when AJ and Megan got married and asked these two extroverts to be in their wedding…sparks flew!

That is wedding party chock-full of personality!

That is a wedding party chock-full of personality!

One would think that with these two loving relationships in full bloom… I couldn’t ask for more.  But I will.  I have always wanted to be a part of a big, loud, boisterous family.  Well, NONE of us come from one of those!  So it is my hearts desire that with: AJ and Megan, Ed and I, our cousin Chelsey and her hubby who just got married over the summer, and even Ed’s sister who is in a serious relationship about to graduate… that in the next few years our families will be blessed by the pitter-patter of little feet.  In 5 years maybe we will have gatherings where the kids table is bigger than the adult table….  In 10 years maybe Christmas will be that big crazy party filled with games, music, smiles, hugs and laughter that lasts for days.  Ah…that we might be so blessed.  It is a lot to hope for, but our God is a big God.  Anything is possible.